You and Me, Me and You -Chronicle Books

You and Me, Me and You, by Miguel Tanco. Chronicle Books 2017

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The wonder of being a dad is on display in this touching tribute to fathers. After all, the connection between a father and child yields a lifetime of learning and love. In You and Me, Me and You, that special bond is honored through poignant, tenderly rendered illustrated vignettes: a father and son walk together, discuss life amid a city’s bustle, play, and, perhaps most profoundly, grow, side by side. Bright pops of Pantone yellow infuse each spread with joy, and a cloth spine adds an irresistible specialness. At once a treasured Father’s Day gift and a year-round “I love you,” parents and children will delight in this celebration of a supremely meaningful relationship


Editions :
 English, Spanish, Catalan, French, Korean, Chinese, Hebraic, Holland, Italian, Taiwan

AgencyDebbie Bibo Agency
If you are an international publisher interested on this book click here: I WANT TO SEE A COMPLETE PDF


  • 🏆Illustration selected by New York society of illustrators 59 annual and exhibit.
  • 🏆Illustration GOLD PRIZE ASSOCIATION of ILLUSTRATOR of Los Angeles ILWEST55 2017
  • 🏆Illustrations selected by Sharjah International Book Fair 2017





“A young boy shows how his perspective affects his dad in this charming book that features brief sentences and understated artwork. “I remind you to create … /and to do things you might forget./I give you the chance to tell stories … /and I help you choose words with care.” Whimsical sketches, in black and yellow set against ample white space, add subtle humor to the text, such as when the boy says “I show you how to talk to strangers” and the child is pictured chatting up a man on the subway as his dad looks on.”


“This picture book reminds us all of the special role dads play in the day-to-day lives of their children. From walks in the park to answering simple questions to merely being present, the father in this story is always there for his son.”


“In perfect pairings, Tanco’s spare illustrations combine with brief text to show all the joys and wonders children introduce to their parents’ lives”

“A charming reminder to stop and smell the roses with a child.”


“I’ve read a few social media posts lately about how there are not enough books featuring dads as the adult lead. I’m not sure I think that’s true, but I am all in favor of more books showing great dads (read last year’s post about 10 great books for dads to share with their kids). This new picture book celebrating dads, from Spanish author/illustrator Miguel Tanco, is wonderful for all parents to share with their kids.”

“The message of this book is profound, but not so much so that young children can’t grasp it. It’s told with tongue in cheek, as the boy outlines all the ways in which his father learns from him. As we finished reading, Bean announced, “I think the boy is really learning from the dad.” All the while, I was thinking, “Yes, I learn from my children in all these ways.””

Review: You and Me, Me and You by Miguel Tanco


“is a picture book written with adults in mind—not necessarily for subtle adult humor, but more as a message for adults with a pleasurable story for children included.

“…these little vignettes are a beautiful reminder of how our actions as adults influence and form young minds. Some of the messages made me cringe, but that’s only a sign that we should be taking the message to heart.”

Review: ‘You and Me, Me and You’


” this narrow view allows readers to experience unconditional love. It doesn’t matter why the mother / partner isn’t there, all that matters to this child — the memories he will keep — are the positive and loving ones we see in these pages. How sweet is that??”


You and Me, Me and You by Miguel Tanco is the kind of picture book that is really hard to do well, and Tanco does it very well. I have extremely high standards for picture books about the special bond parents and children share and a very low tolerance for sentimentality, of which there is none in Tanco’s book. Also, it’s just plain challenging to capture the similar but different ways that a parent loves a child and a child loves a parent. With You and Me, Me and You, Tanco marvelously, magically does this, perhaps by having the child narrate with the perspective and wisdom of an adult. The pictures tell one story, the words another, and in this I think that both children and adults will “get” and love You and Me, Me and You.

I ask you the most difficult questions . . .
and keep you in shape.
I show you how to talk to strangers . . .
and how to slow down.
I take you to places you’ve never seen . . .
and get wet with you in the rain.
Each page features half of a sentence, simply, beautifully capturing the gifts children give us, sometimes whether we want them or not, Tanco’s illustrations funny, fluid and full of expression. You and Me, Me and You is definitely a book to be given as a gift, from a parent to a child, a child to a parent or anyone who is embarking on the journey of parenthood. The small trim size makes it easy to carry with you and keep close to your heart, especially when your children grow up and travel far away.”


In a pensive reflection on father-son communication, a boy contemplates his effect on his father. “I ask you the most difficult questions,” says the child as the two pass a stray dog. At bedtime, the child offers his father “the chance to tell stories,” and when they’re navigating a thorny traffic situation on a bike, the boy reminds his elder to “choose words with care.” Tanco captures each scene in minimalistic pen-and-ink artwork accented with yellow, and the father and child’s meaningful interactions delicately suggest that, in parenting, listening and learning go both ways.


PreS-Gr 1—”Told from the point of view of a young boy, this short and simple tale perfectly illustrates a father and son’s busy day as they convert boxes and brooms into a kayak fishing adventure, then build forts with books. This title demonstrates the creative exploration that comes naturally to a child. Pencil drawings shaded in with sporadic splashes of bright yellow complement the text, which imparts the simple message that adults may benefit from slowing down the busy pace of life to jump in a puddle or two. Through the story and visuals, Tanco conveys a genuine bond between parent and child. VERDICT An additional purchase for picture book collections; this would also be an excellent keepsake gift for dads.”

—Kristen Todd-Wurm, Middle Country Public Library, NY

Copyright 2017 School Library Journal.


” “You and Me, Me and You” by Miguel Tanco- This book focuses on the relationship between a child and father by highlighting all the things that fathers learn from their children.  Such as how to slow down and how to celebrate the little things.  Such a darling book and a perfect reminder of what’s important.”


You and me, me and you

A little boy and his dad share privileged moments during walks, strolls or games. The narrator, who expresses himself in the first person, describes everything he brings to the other: “I help you stay in top shape” ; “I teach you to play and forgive” , etc. It is believed at first that it is the dad who speaks, endeavoring to awaken the boy. But we understand that it is, in fact, the little hero who enjoins his father to preserve his childish soul and to look at the world differently. “Thanks to me, you tell beautiful stories … and you never say ugly words. “The drawings are restricted to a chromatic range of black, white and yellow, creating an intimacy that reinforces the scenes and expressions accomplices. From 5 years.


“The SWEETEST gift for a dad: It’s definitely more of a gift book than a story book, but dads may find it emotional. It’s a simple text with a different phrase on each set of pages, saying the things that a little boy does for his dad. (i.e. “I give you the chance to tell stories….”) It’s a smaller book than I’d like for young kids, but it’s still a wonderful Father’s Day gift.”

Dads in the Spotlight: Picture Books All About Dads



“La opción por unas ilustraciones alegres, unos dibujos coloreados en los que predomina un luminoso amarillo, va de acuerdo con el tono amable y nada enfático del relato. Por otro lado, es un álbum de los muchos que se puede poner como ejemplo de que los mejores álbumes para y sobre los más pequeños nacen de ideas y reflexiones cotidianas muy sencillas, o que parecen muy sencillas. También, de que este tipo de relatos a quién en realidad se dirigen es a los padres, que son los que pueden verse más retratados en lo que se cuenta.”

Tú y yo, yo y tú


“Miguel Tanco siempre nos lo hace pasar muy bien con sus ilustraciones, siempre consigue arrancarnos una sonrisa y en esta ocasión, entre ilustraciones y sonrisas, nos cuenta todo lo que él “enseña” a su hijo. Un buen profesor es aquel que aprende todo lo posible sobre su alumno… pues bien, por lo que hemos visto en este pequeño álbum ilustrado, estamos ante un buen profe.

Un libro genial para regalar a un padre primerizo, por ejemplo, para irle poniendo en antecedentes de lo que se va a encontrar antes de darse cuenta…
Me ha gustado mucho esta lectura, sobre todo como padre que soy, una lectura para divertir y para compartir. Y, seguro, uno de los álbumes más especiales que Miguel ha creado en toda su vida.”


Hoy leemos: Tú y yo, yo y tú


“La opción por unas ilustraciones alegres y sencillas, dibujos coloreados en los que predomina un luminoso amarillo, va de acuerdo con el tono amable y nada enfático del relato. Por otro lado, es un álbum que también se puede poner como ejemplo de que los mejores álbumes para y sobre los más pequeños nacen de ideas y reflexiones cotidianas muy sencillas, o que parecen muy sencillas.”



Du blog de la bibliothèque de Genève:

“Un album touchant qui nous montre comment les enfants peuvent changer la vie des « grands » en mieux, car grâce à leur présence,  on prend son temps, on « reste en pleine forme », on va dans des endroits où on n’est jamais allé, on se fait mouiller sous la pluie et on découvre que « même les petites choses sont importantes ». Bref, même petits, ils nous aident à grandir et à « regarder le monde d’une autre façon ».

A découvrir et faire découvrir dès 3 ans jusqu’à 99 ans, pour avoir la joie de retrouver son âme d’enfant…”


“Être père, ce n’est pas tous les jours facile. Mais avoir un enfant peut aussi permettre de grandir ! Répondre à des questions difficiles, rester en forme, prendre son temps, inventer tous les jours des choses incroyables, apprendre à jouer mais aussi à pardonner… voilà toutes sortes de choses qu’un papa fait avec son enfant. Miguel Tanco nous invite à partager ces joies du quotidien, où petits malheurs et grands bonheurs se côtoient. L’auteur fait preuve d’un style sobre, avec ses phrases courtes mais percutantes, ses images d’un trait vif mais très épuré, et nous plonge avec bonheur dans un moment de tendresse et d’émotion. Ce bel album parlera à tous les papas. À offrir ou à s’offrir !”


“Que fait un enfant avec son papa ? La parole est laissée à un petit blondinet qui ressemble à tous les enfants de son âge. Une petite phrase par double-page illustrée, l’enfant lit rapidement tout seul ce qu’il voit ♥ Cela permet de douces et rigolotes interprétations (dixit la maitresse).

Répondre à des questions difficiles, rester en forme, parler aux inconnus, inventer tous les jours des choses incroyables, pardonner… Le petit blond ne manque pas d’idées et les lecteurs se régaleront des illustrations au style vif et épuré.
Graphiquement irréprochable j’aime beaucoup le mélange de jaune et de gris.

Miguel Tanco livre un album proche du quotidien de bon nombre d’enfants.
Une vision douce, protectrice et patiente de l’amour paternel.
Un livre à offrir à tous les papas.”

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